The Association has a long-standing affiliation with the Bentley Priory Battle of Britain Museum. Bentley Priory was the headquarters from which the air defence of the United Kingdom was organised and managed from 1936 until 2000. It has been said that Bentley Priory is the spiritual home of the Fighter Pilots. In reality, Fighter Controllers have been intimately and directly involved with Bentley Priory - and were a key component of the command formations that were based there - for 60 of those years ... and thus have an equal claim, alongside their fighter pilot colleagues, to call it their spiritual home.
The Association has sponsored the installation of three stained glass windows into the fabric of the building at Bentley Priory, telling the story of the first air defence command and control system in the world that became known as the Dowding System. It was the military need to man and operate the Dowding System that led to the creation of the Fighter Control specialisation - and more recently the Aerospace Battle Manager Branch.
The three windows depict the two key tasks of the Dowding System and the technologies that made the system possible. The first window salutes the tactical picture-building process while the second tells the story of tactical control. The third tells the story of the development of radar and the key role of communications.
The next project working with the Priory will be to undertake further enhancements to the Filter Centre in the museum that the Association did so much to create.
The main features of the window are:
The main features of the window are:
The main features of the window are: